Page name: undead Zoo! Facility 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-03 19:11:44
Last author: Kbird
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 3
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This is where people with the government go.





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GO TO undead Zoo! Facility 3

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2013-01-26 [Kbird]: Yes!btw David only is allowed chocolate sometimes....because he go super slap happy

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Nice.

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: ...Good to know. :P

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: This should be fun.

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: ...You know he's gonna pop it in the freezer for Ana to have when she gets back, right? XP

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: lol probably intell he finds Loki

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Right. :P

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw! Loki gets cake! :D

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: David's eating too, right?

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol I guess.

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Half of the third, that is. :P

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:<img:10246_1112482186.jpg> MY CAKE PEICE!!

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: *smacks the back of David's head* "Sit down, pup." *totally nonchalant*

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alan: *throws the cake at David and hides under the table*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: O_o What was that for?

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: What?

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: It was like a combo move: It sounds like Alex to throw cake, but it sounds like Alan to hide after said cake-throwing.

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well Alan was scared of David's outburst so it's like when a hungry bear attacks you cause you have food and you throw your food at it and run hoping it'll ignore you and eat the food. lol

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: ...Ok, then. :P

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:UM NOM NOM NOM!!!"*Catchs cake in mouth*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Everybody duck and cover!" *dives under table*

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: BAD BOY! NO MORE CAKE! *smacks David on the head* Do you want diabetes?!

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: TRYS TO EAT HAND!!

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm not afraid to shoot you. *pulls out gun*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Problem one: the sin cake apparantly contains more sugar than Jace thought. Problem two: the ice back-fired.
Jace: =________________________________________________________="

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: *laughs hysterically at Jace's face*


2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Nice introduction, Kbird. :P
Jace: "For the last time, I'm not your freaking mother!!!!"

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:WAHHH!! DADDY MOMMYS YELLING AT ME!!XO

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Who's daddy???

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: AW! *huggles David* Don't cry!

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: no one know probably Alex right now

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: "*beep* if I know." =____= "He gets....weird on sugar."

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: hehe you gotta say he is cute

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: WHAT?! OH HELL NO! *insert cussing here*


2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: What's going on? O_o

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Kira thinks that Alex is 'daddy', and Alex isn't happy. lol

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Ah. :P Oh, *beep*. If Alex is "daddy" and Jace is "mommy"...
Jace: "Told ya the pup gets weird on sugar." e_________e

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: DAVID:WAHOOO INSEXT!!!<-yes meant to be spelled that way

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: I wouldn't mind seeing that. *giggles*

Alan: OH MY! *blushes*

Alex: NO!

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: "/Not/. Going. To. Happen."

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:O.O *snicker* your cute..* hugs everyone*

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: *hugs David*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: *waits patiently for David to sober up*

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles about David's mommy comment*

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:haaaa

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Mommy, oh mommy! *pokes Jace*

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:NO MY MOMMY!!*Hold tighter onto Jace*

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: "..." e______e

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *chuckles* Well at least he isn't hugging me.

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:Daddy*Reachs for Alex with a strange look*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: *smirks* "You had to say it, huh?"

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *tries to back away but is pushed towards David and Jace by Crimson*

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:*Glumps Alex* HUGS FOR EVERYONE....Came ere Alan I want some love!

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Took me a little bit to figure out what to say. :P

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: lol it's okay it is hard to describe people

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Just to be clear, Jace's thoughts on getting promoted is: "Too much paperwork, not enough action!" He'd /hate/ being a higher-up. With all the meetings and signing and junk...

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: lol I figured you also stay in one place more often

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Sounds like Hell." =___________________________________________________________=

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: lol it's okay* pats Jace on head*

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Betty means the military's her family, doesn't she? :P

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: yep! or at least some people in the military..

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Yue is kinda smart, and kinda not. XP

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: I see....>->

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: She takes things literally. =__= It interferes with her common sense sometimes. I do the same thing... :P

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: When I was little and I interrupted my parents on the phone, they always asked: "Is there a fire?" Well one day, there was, and they didn't ask, so I wrote a note. :P My mom kind of freaked out about it...

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: Lol nice...

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Yep. I wrote a note explaining my dresser was on fire because the candle was burning weird and since the phone was a cordless, she just kept talking while she put the fire out.

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Yue gets a little absorbed in her work and can't hear the bell from the lab.

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: lol good to know

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: <img:44166_1164469610.gif>Broccali alfredo........

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: YUM!

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: Broccali is my fav!

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Mine too, I also like cauliflower

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: of course! David..

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: What about David??

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Don't forget that Alan's in the room!

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: Alan is a little mouse that is probably flipping around in his head

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah...

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: I accidentally hit the logout button. *face palm*

2013-01-27 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: happens to me alot using a dsi

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: lol its okay....Annabell is kicking her dad in her head.

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Yue is trying to be discreet because of the discusion they had earlier.

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: night!

2013-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah. lol

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Night, Kbird.

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Anabell has such a deadpan expression when she says that about Jace's family. :P

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: lol I know part of it was about Yues rambling but most of it had to do with Jaces family

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Jace: "It's not a bad thing, is it Ana?" *pupppy-dog eyes*

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: Anna:"No it just ...dosn't seem fair sometimes.."*Looks away from the eyes*

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Anabell really does have an itty-bitty soft spot for Jace, huh? XP

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Jace: *to David* "I'm not your mother! Tell him, Ana!"

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: Anna:you know maybe he remembers his past when his like this....

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Then why the heck am I the mom?" TT_TT

2013-01-27 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I`m still waiting on Ravens response over Sam shocking her

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: oh.

2013-01-27 [Kbird]: Anna:He might have things confused he called me his sister.

2013-01-27 [ancienteye]: Jace: TTTTT____________________TTTTT

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: wow

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: David:"I just love you guys sooooo much.."

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: what you don`t even know me

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Jace: *sighs* "Yeah, yeah. We know."

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Anna:We love you too.

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Hi guys.

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Hiya. :P

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: What's up? :D

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Nothin' much. =^_^=

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Awesome! *glomps Jace* Hi Jace! :D

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Jace: O.O "Uh... Hi?"

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will and Sam: Hi Crimson*waves*

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: HI WILL! HI SAM! *glomps them*

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I wonder w...*dodges thrown rock* dang it Dean cut it out

Dean: So close

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *tackles Dean and nuzzles him*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Jace: "..."
Fern: *raises eyebrow and waits for Dean's reaction*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Hi sorry I had to change to nook so it takes for ever to load!!>…<

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: wha.. hey. I`m not a teddy bear*trys to get away*

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw! No, don't run. *holds tighter and nuzzles*

Alex: Uh... Crimson...?

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: Will a little help please

Will: nope your on your own

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: So nice and warm. *nuzzles*

Alex: I think she's drunk again. *glares at a laughing Jack*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Raven:*pulls Crimson off* go back to hugging the blondies.

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: I owe you one,sis*moves and stands beside Fern*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Fern: *raises eyebrow at Dean* "Looked like she's got quite a grip."

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Luki: I wander if it's to late to get her to join?

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *pouts* No fair!

Alex: Look Crimson, a Russia plushie. *holds it out for her*

*squeals in delight and huggles the plushie*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: The government used to but the side affact where to awful to continue
Some people still do it under the radar.

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Question: Where's Betty?

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Injoying the show......Anna is still hidding do to that ya'll statment

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *eyes Luki*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Who's next?

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Ummm Depends where you're looking

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Oh btw I cant copy anything with my nook

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: It isn't like Jace to leave David there and he doesn't really have an excuse to drag him along. :/ I think it's the narrator's turn in Fern's hideout.

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Okay

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: the only reason that Will is asking is he is about to reviel that he is a hybrid to Annabell, Yue, and Betty

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *glomps Luki and nuzzles him too*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: When Yue gets talking, girl can't shut up. =________= Lovely. I gave Jace my temper and Yue my absentness.

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Luki: wah please get off me.
Yuki:kahahaha dont stop!!

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *nuzzles Luki* No, you're so hot.

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: O.O hot in what way?

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: I like blondes, especially bad ones. *nuzzles Luki*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: LUKI:*EYE TWICH* I beleive you have forgot what I am.*evil smile*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Yuki: Crimson get away from him!

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: ...I think the year Will mentioned just went right over Yue's head. :P She's just loves her work so much...
Fern: *to Luki* "Without a doubt."

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Do it and I'll kill you. *growls at Luki as he pulls Crimson away*

*nuzzles Alex instead*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Ooooo red head.*Huggles Alex too.*

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *sighs and hugs them back*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Yuki: Alex is a ladys man?

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Looks like it. *chuckles*

Alex: *glares at Jack* I wish you'd stop giving Crimson alcohol.

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Yuki: bout Jack looks better then Alex?!

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: *smirks* Thanks Yuki.

*grabs Jack and huggles him and Alex*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Yue: *chuckles and grins* "Someone's in an affectionate mood~"

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Me: jace and luki are the cuties.......

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Jace: *turns red*
Fern: *raises eyebrow*

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jace is really hot too.

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Jace: *face starts practically glowing red*
Fern: *pokes Jace's cheek*
Jace: *swats Fern's hand away* "Can you not do that?!"
Fern: "You look like one of those colored light bulbs." *snickers*

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *huggles Jace* Aw, are you not used to compliments?

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Anna:Hey Jace I.......have paper work..what is going on?

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jace is so cute Anna! *nuzzles Jace*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: No. No he's not used to it. :P
Jace: *not sure what to do, so he just stands there awkwardly* >__________>"

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Anna: uhh yeah...are you drunk again?

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Jace: *flinches from nuzzling, then turns to Anabell* "Oh... Hi, Ana."

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Yeah, Jack really needs to stop giving her alcohol.

*nuzzles Jace*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: TT_TT I keep missing my window of opportunity to update Jace~ *sniffle*

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: GO NOW!

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: I got it! :D

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: I no touchy then

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: I already went. O_O Just to clarify, when Betty does that, is she talking about actual grandkids or her government family?

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: ...And I think Will and Sam have a post up. Do you want to do that, Crimson?

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Just did. :D

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Both

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i think Sam just set his self up

Sam:*blinks* and how did i do that

Dean: saying your single

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *nods* Yep, so set up.

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Pup don't know what he got himself into."

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Betty:Okay ladies be on you best.Okay Sam 32 of my granddaughters are here.

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blink blink* "Wait... What?"

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Run Sam, I'll distract her.

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Betty:Isn's Sam cute Yue?

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: I got a better idea*shifts to a small version of his fox form*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Objectively speaking; by our society's cultural standards he is attractive, much like many of the people here. Why do you ask?" *blink blink*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Betty:-.- if you think like that your'll never get married

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: AW! *pets Sam*

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: He had to go and pull out the fox*laughs*

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Yue: ? "But... Anabell always told me I /was/ married..." :/
Me: "She said you were 'married to your work'." =_______=
(Of course this could be subject to change, but for now, this is how she will start. :P)

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: I just want to hug him! *picks up Sam and cuddles him*

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*smiles*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: pile the foxy!

2013-01-28 [ancienteye]: Yue: O.O "But he's so little compared to us! That'd squish him!" *flails arms*

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:O.O

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Betty:that's my point.....he cant just run away

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *runs away with Sam in my arms* NO DOG PILING!

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: Yeah no dog piling me

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *nuzzles Sam*

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Betty:you lied little boy you said you where single!!

2013-01-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: *to Sam* showoff

Will: Raven take care of Dean please

Dean: O.O

Will: Sam is single

2013-01-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Huh?

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: Huh? What do you mean

2013-01-28 [Kbird]: I GOT TO GO NIGHT!!!

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